This tiny iOS change will make your iPhone even zippier - Abdo tech

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This tiny iOS change will make your iPhone even zippier

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Apple rolled out the new iOS 10.3 update Monday — and if you took the plunge and upgraded to the new OS, you might have noticed your iPhone is running a bit more quickly and smoothly than it did before.  

That alone shouldn't be a big surprise. New software should make your phone hum, and this update in particular includes a that has played a part in  on devices than the previous OS. 

But that's not the only reason your iPhone now has some extra pep, according to Apple engineer Renaud Lienhart. He took to Twitter to reveal one of the undocumented tweaks to the OS.   

The animations he's talking about come when you open, close or switch between apps, a notes. This doesn't mean the apps will be running faster when you use them — it has to do more with improved responsiveness, which I noticed right away while switching between open apps on the new OS. It's a small change, but it makes multitasking on the iPhone even more seamless than before.
You should update your device to iOS 10.3 for more than just the speed boost, too. It's always a good call to keep your , since updates usually fix issues and bugs, like tThe animations he's talking about come when you open, close or switch between apps, as BGR notes. This doesn't mean the apps will be running faster when you use them — it has to do more with improved responsiveness, which I noticed right away while switching between open apps on the new OS. It's a small change, but it makes multitasking on the iPhone even more seamless than before.

That, and you'll finally be able to track down pesky AirPods when they get lost and avoid dropping a 69$ fee not nice) for a replacement. 

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