Your iPhone might feel faster with iOS 10.3 - Abdo tech

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Your iPhone might feel faster with iOS 10.3

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Apple has pulled off something quite amazing with the latest iOS update  for iPhone and iPad  : within a couple of days it has changed the operating system on millions of devices without the common user even noticing.

The iOS 10.3 update, however, makes one other important change to the iPhone experience: it makes your device feel faster.

Notice that we say 'feel faster', not 'is faster'.

What we mean by that is that Apple has allegedly shortened many animations in iOS 10.3, so the interaction in many elements of the interface feels faster, without any changes to the actual processor clock speeds.

We have been toying around with an iOS 10.3-powered iPhone 6s around here and we can't really tell the difference ourselves, but it's been a short while. Do you feel those improvements in speed that have arrived with iOS 10.3?

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